What are the test cases for a login page?

Test Cases

Verify whether a user can login with a valid username and valid password.
Verify Whether a user can not login with a valid username and invalid password.
Verify whether a user can not login with an invalid username and a valid password.
Verify whether a user cannot login when any field is blank.
Verify whether a user can not login when both field are blank.
Verify whether "forgot password" functionality work well.
Verify messages that are displayed for invalid inputs.
Verify whether password field is visible or displayed as asterisk or bullet signs.
Verify whether a user is able to clear fields after entering input data.
Verify whether a user can login with new password after reset password.
Verify whether a user can not login with new password before reset password.
Verify that submit button work correctly.
Verify time taken to login.
Verify whether the font size, background colors, text color is as per the standards.
Verify whether the functionalities are work correctly in different browsers, devices.
Verify whether the login page size can be adjusted according to the devices.
Verify the timeout functionality of the login session.
Verify the login page after pressing back button.It should not be able to login again without entering username password once logout.
Verify whether a user can not enter characters more than the specified limit in the field.
Verify whether a user should not be able to login with different credentials from the same browser at the same time.
Verify whether a user should be able to login with different credentials from the different browser at the same time.


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